What About Hamas?
Every now and then there seems to be something a little more important to discuss than the importance of purple or an aging grandmother’s surprising revelations. At some point, we simply must be aware and react appropriately to what is going on around us. Otherwise, why even consider a world without purple, or smiles, or laughter?
I’ve written before about my father’s generation sacrificing everything in World War II and the battle against the great evil of Nazism. And if you can’t connect the word “Nazi” with the concept of “evil,” then you have failed to study and understand the underlying realities of the human struggle and war. I am attaching a link to a full explanation of how the ideals of Hitler have been brought forward and by whom, and how this battle is now playing out through the organizations of Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Kaida and other named brands of jihad. I’ll leave it to Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to make that case. (Link is at the end of this post).
Specifically, I am frightened as I prepare to travel to my grandson’s high school graduation. Based on horrendous lies and misinformation being spread on college campuses by professional agitators, drawing in the young and ignorantly angry students, and further by the lack of corrective action by university professors and administrators, I fear the corruption of our youth. I fear for the future of our nation and of our world. This is serious stuff.
My generation was quick to hold campus protests. Most of the protests were either for peace and against endless wars, against the draft, or for the open debate and protection of human rights. Not all protesters were peaceful or beneficial, but at least they PRETENDED to act in the name of PROTECTING the sanctity of peace and freedom.
I did not participate in demonstrations for three basic reasons. First, I well knew the consequences of squandering my parents’ trust and money. They were financing my education and would have jerked me back home at the first sign of trouble.
Second, I was serious about my education. I was taking 20 -22 credit hours each semester plus working 10 hours per week on campus to defray costs. I barely had time to spend on the toilet or sleep, must less hang out on the Quad with a bunch of on-edge students.
Third, I realized I didn’t know which side to protest on. At that point, my knowledge of politics, history, and philosophy was so sketchy that I couldn’t have convincingly articulated WHY I was protesting anything less immediate than a teacher’s unfair grading or attendance policy. I was appropriately naive for my age, even though I thought I was “worldly.”
But I can absolutely commit to three separate arguments against today’s pro-Hamas protesters, aside from their blatantly Nazi tone.
First, depending on which campus you are on, 40-60% of the onsite protesters are not even students there! They are professional agitators who have carefully recruited, trained, and directed the students in protest. Who has outfitted them with Palestinian shawls, flags, and tents? Who is paying for these things? These non-students have no business on campus and should have been ejected right at the very beginning.
Second, students have been caught on camera who cannot even TELL you what they are protesting about! They don’t know that Israel is not involved in colonialism, or that in its history since 1948 has never instigated an attack, although it has mounted several successful defenses. They don’t know that many Israeli citizens are non-Jihadist Islamists and Christians, all with full rights of citizenship. They don’t seem to realize that the current Israeli actions are of defense after having been brutally attacked by Hamas. They are completely ignorant of the history, both ancient and more recent of the area and its peoples. They have no understanding of the murderous teachings of Hamas or Sharia Law or that they, themselves would be devastatingly subjected to it, should Hamas prevail.
Third, these protests have nothing to do with either peace or human rights. They are calling for the death and destruction not only of the nation of Israel, but all Jews, the American constitution, and all non-Islamic peoples of the world! The same students who would demonstrate for the rights of women, for protection of Roe v. Wade do not understand that they would be beheaded under Sharia Law for even speaking in support of those issues. Women have NO rights in that society. They are tightly controlled property of their fathers and husbands. Anyone involved in homosexual, lesbian, or extramarital relations of any kind is subject to death in the very culture they claim to be protesting in support of. Can ignorance be any more profound than this?
I am afraid to send my grandchildren off to any university campus that would enable such dangerous brainwashing of our upcoming leaders and future parents. I pray, I PRAY that the parents and teachers of America and all nations who purport to affirm personal freedoms drop the fractured, misrepresented focus of “wokedom” and its selectively-inclusive “inclusion,” and help this next generation to live within and understand reality!