Archive for May 2024
Dangerously Misplaced Passion
Humans are hardwired to be passionate. We are also culturally encouraged to demonstrate our passions, mocking people who show none as being mechanical or having no soul. Another word often paired with “passion” is “love.” We swoon over “passionate love affairs.” In fact, a partner who fails to act passionately is often accused of being…
Read MoreCircus Memories
Did you ever read the cover headlines of The National Enquirer while waiting in line at the grocery checkout? I have NEVER forgotten the best one ever which I saw maybe 30 years ago. “Gassy Elephant Blows Trainer Through Tent Wall.” Who needed to read the story? The headline said it all. I could not…
Read MoreLove Happens in the Rain
Once upon a time, I woke up before dawn to the sound of rain against my barely cracked windows. For a moment I lay there with a nostalgic wee smile on my pillow-creased face, until I realized what that day was and bolted from bed in horror! That was the morning of the Lynchburg Art…
Read MoreWhat About Hamas?
Every now and then there seems to be something a little more important to discuss than the importance of purple or an aging grandmother’s surprising revelations. At some point, we simply must be aware and react appropriately to what is going on around us. Otherwise, why even consider a world without purple, or smiles, or…
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People often manage to control other people with words. There are even people who describe themselves as “Social Influencers.” What a LAUGHABLE title! And yet… it happens, more so to the young than to those of us who grew up reciting “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That…
Read MoreThe Importance of Purple
I understand that not everyone will agree, or understand what I’m saying here. In fact, as I write this, I’m trying to understand this concept, myself, the importance of purple. A few years ago, I took a little shopping trip with a friend to one of those sprawling discount malls with all kinds of stores.…
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