Time Travel – Science or Fiction?

The older I get, the more I see reality in all of that Science Fiction that I’ve been reading since I was about 10 years old. Surely, it is based on fact!

I’m nearly certain I have discovered a couple of wormholes, myself. Although I cannot tell you where they go, I can tell you what they do because I experience them daily!

The first exists between my bathroom sink and my car. It doesn’t matter if I’m going to work or heading out to meet friends, there is a massive hole in the universe that sucks time away without recompense. I finish brushing my teeth, check the time, and find it is 9:47. I can still be at work by 10:00 AM because it takes me only three minutes to drive from my house to the Gallery.

I grab my glasses, head downstairs, run back upstairs because I forgot my earrings, run back downstairs, zigzag through the house to find where I took off my shoes yesterday, grab the dog, tell her to wait a minute, grab my purse, my coat, my computer, my keys, turn the heat down, put the dog on the leash, go out the door, lock it, watch the dog do figure eights in the yard before making her deposit, get in the truck, push the dog’s face out of mine, and look at the time. It’s 10:17! Where did thirty minutes go? It happens EVERY DAY!

The other wormhole is in the shower, not just the one in the Master Suite – ANY shower. Time stands still in the shower. I just pop in for a quick shower. I’m not going to wash my hair – okay, maybe I SHOULD wash my hair. I stand for a few minutes doing my steamy hydrotherapy on the various stitches and pulls and hope to melt off some belly fat while I’m at it, pull that little adjustable nozzle down and spray the bottoms of my feet. No time at all has passed in the shower, but strangely, it has sped up everywhere outside of the shower. Somehow the three minutes in the shower was thirty-seven minutes in the rest of the house.

Wormholes, must be wormholes. I think there’s also one in the throne room, entered through the Sudoku booklet in there.