Finding Happiness

Isn’t it delightful when you happen upon a discovery, person, or situation that just makes your insides smile even broader than your face? I would call that “finding happiness.” That’s great! But if you are depending on that kind of happenstance to color your world, you might as well make a career of buying Lotto…

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Winning Over People

We often hear people claiming to be “winning over” someone to Christ, some random idea, or just winning over someone’s heart to be a lover, or for personal acceptance. There are many reasons a person might want to win over someone, but is that always best? Something I have learned is that when you stretch…

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The Nature of the Soul

Let me preface this wandering commentary with the following. My beliefs are fluid. In my ignorance and searching, I have tried on many ideas, some with brand names and some of my own divining. Over time they have become both more and less defined, depending on the facet of discussion. Sometime after Cloyde’s death, a…

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